Parental Cooperation

  1. The active involvement of the parents in the education of their child is a must.
  2. Parents are requested to cooperate with the college to maintain regularity, discipline and by taking interest towards their child progress.
  3. Expect and encourage your child to listen in a mutually respectful manner both to peers and adults.
  4. Please check the college diary daily as it is a medium of communication between the teachers and the parents as well as the home work assigned for the next day is done and countersigned the remarks entered in the diary.
  5. Parents will keep the payment receipt issued to them as a proof of payment of fees to be produces when asked. Those who loose the fee book will be charges a fine.
  6. Occasional notices are sent home with the child to update and inform you of college events.
  7. Parents or guardians are requested not to visit the college during college hours without the prior permission of the principal.
  8. Avoid taking students for holidays and other non-academics events during the academic session.
  9. Ensure that your child is diligent towards his/her studies, homework, project files etc,.
  10. Parents' cooperation is expected at all times. they should check the college diary regularly and note the teacher's remarks.
  11. Children are very impressionable and lead by example. Home environment can affect child’s studies and therefore it is as important for parents to provide a healthy home environment for students for their academic excellence.
  12. Parents should refrain from behaving in any manner that is derogatory to school staff or management at any time. Behaviour of such sort is highly discouraged and might call for appropriate actions.
  13. Parents should be watchful and considerate of schools reputation and refrain from communicating in a way that harms the reputation & respect of any teacher, school staff, helpers or management. Behaviour of this sort have negative influence on minds of students and therefore will not be entertained and might result in serious diciplinary actions.